They’re THE group of friends we’ve all dreamed of having. But the last episode of Friends was shot… 20 years ago. Back then, there was no social media, nor smartphones and the Internet was running at a snail’s pace. In what way have these new everyday technologies changed human relationships? How could Chandler have made people laugh in the age of Twitter? Could Ross have met Rachel in the age of Tinder? These are some of the questions Mary Michaelides asks the Monica Geller of Research: Brazilian Patricia Rossi. Associate Professor of Marketing at SKEMA Business School, she conducts research into consumer behaviour, innovation and new technologies. It is 2024, and we’re off to Central Perk!
Welcome to “Makes Sense?” a leap in pop culture to explore societal challenges. “Makes Sense?” is a podcast from SKEMA Business School, presented by Mary Michaelides.
Find out more about Patricia Rossi.
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