Ante Glavas is a Professor in Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship at SKEMA Business School. He is a researcher at the SKEMA Centre for Sustainability Studies. His research interests lie in Sustainability and Social Responsibility. He is currently investigating how companies can authentically implement strategies and practices that benefit society and the environment, while creating business value.
Could you tell us more about your field of research, particularly Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability?
My research focuses on the intersection of CSR and sustainability, particularly on how internal change agents (or intrapreneurs) drive the shift toward more responsible business practices. A key challenge is ensuring that CSR efforts are not limited to a single office, which can lead to inauthentic CSR programmes, greenwashing, and minimal impact initiatives. I also investigate how companies can integrate sustainability into their core business model, even if not founded on social or environmental missions, as achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires the business sector’s active involvement. I am currently focusing on what motivates employees to participate in these transformations, notably the sense of meaning and purpose they gain from it.
What results surprised you the most?
CSR and sustainability initiatives can sometimes be counterproductive. For instance, employee volunteering programmes can be beneficial, yet excessive involvement can lead to burnout, especially when under heavy workload. In addition, tensions between an organisation’s CSR/sustainability efforts and employee expectations can arise – although these tensions can heighten creativity for some employees. These findings highlight the need for tailored CSR/sustainability strategies, considering individual values, goals, personality traits, etc.
What are the foreseen outcomes?
My research has led to academic publications, including high-impact reviews on CSR and sustainability[1]. At SKEMA, we are also developing a pioneering course, “Positive Impact Projects”, for the MS in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Outcomes beyond academia include practical roadmaps on how employees can create change from within their companies. I also hope to inform policy, given the European Commission’s interest in this area. Indeed, the European Green Deal requires businesses to fully engage to succeed. My research insights could provide timely and valuable guidance for companies to take CSR/sustainability from a small team (e.g., a CSR officer) to the entire organisation.
[1] Read more
Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2019). On Corporate Social Responsibility, Sensemaking, and the Search for Meaningfulness Through Work. Journal of Management, 45(3), 1057-1086. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206317691575
Heucher, K., Alt, E., Soderstrom, S., Scully, M., & Glavas, A. (2024). Catalyzing Action on Social and Environmental Challenges: An Integrative Review of Insider Social Change Agents. Academy Of Management Annals, 18(1), 295‑347. https://doi.org/10.5465/annals.2022.0205