Do you really know Benjamin Legros, Professor of Analytics Information & Operations at SKEMA Business School? Let’s check it out!

Your favourite optimization technique: Dynamic programming.

The most intriguing research paper you have read recently: Boyacı, T., Canyakmaz, C., & de Véricourt, F. (2024). Human and machine: The impact of machine input on decision making under cognitive limitations. Management Science70(2), 1258-1275.

The sport you like to practice or watch: Mountain Biking.

The other field of study you would have like to pursue: History.

What you like best about SKEMA: The colleagues.

The historical figure in mathematics or science you would have loved to collaborate with: I am a great fan of Cédric Villani; can we say he is historical?

Your go-to playlist for focusing while crunching data: Well, I never listen to music while working, so I would go for complete silence (and by the way I don’t work on data).

The documentary or film that inspired you most: Gerry from Gus Van Sant.

The advice you would give regarding operational research: Take a break!

Your favourite way to unwind after a day of teaching: Forget what just happened!

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