Do you really know Frédéric Bossard, Scientific Director of the MScs Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence for Business Transformation at SKEMA Business School? Let’s check it out!
If you were a company: Apple.
The book you read twice: Mercator (Arnaud de Baynast, Jacques Lendrevie and Julien Lévy).
The book you read on the beach: Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling).
The country where you dream to work: The USA.
What you like best about SKEMA: The freedom to create new projects.
Your favourite Social Media: LinkedIn.
The other job you would have liked to do: Television journalist.
Your favourite fictional character: James Bond.
The topic of your next article for SKEMA ThinkForward: The ethics of AI in marketing.
The celebrity you’d like to have dinner with: Mark Zuckerberg.