Do you really know Léna Ngnogue, SENSSEtt European Project Officer at SKEMA Business School? Let’s check it out!
The book you read this summer: Tout le bleu du ciel, Mélissa Da Costa.
What you like to do on your way to SKEMA: I desperately pray to get a seat on Bus B.
Your favourite TV show of all time: The Handmaid’s Tale and Black Mirror.
The academic field you have chosen for your studies: Political Sciences & International Relations.
Are you more a starter/main course or main course/dessert person: Main course/dessert person (I am in the sugar addict team).
The celebrity you would like to have a talk with: I would love to talk with James Baldwin.
One word to describe SKEMA Research & Knowledge Transfer: Challenging.
Your favourite weekend activity: Exploring a new place, playing sports, or sunbathing at the beach (depending on my motivation).
The job you would dream of: Architect or Comic Book Artist.
Your favourite trip: Madeira.