Do you really know Marlon Alves, Assistant Professor of Strategy and Researcher at SKEMA Business School? Let’s find out…
Your favourite researcher: James March. His work on organizational decision-making has greatly influenced my own research in the field of behavioral strategy.
The book you read twice: Honestly, I have a terrible memory for this kind of stuff, but from most recent ones I remember « Lost Children Archive » by Valeria Luiselli. It’s a thought-provoking novel that explores themes of family, identity, and migration.
The book you read on the beach: To be honest, I don’t really read on the beach. I’m more of a city person, so I prefer to explore new neighborhoods and cultural attractions when I have free time.
The country where you dream to work in: While I’m happy living in Paris, I would love to have the opportunity to work in China someday. The business landscape there is rapidly evolving, and I think there’s a lot of exciting research to be done.
What do you like best about SKEMA: What I like best about SKEMA is the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds that are represented here. It’s truly a global community of scholars and students, and I feel privileged to be a part of it.
Your favourite VR avatar: I don’t really have a favorite VR avatar, as I haven’t spent much time in that world. But I’m always open to exploring new technologies and ways of connecting with people.
The other job you would have liked to do: If I wasn’t a business professor, I think I would have loved to be an architect. I’ve always been fascinated by the intersection of form and function, and I think designing buildings would be an amazing way to express my creativity.
Your favourite fictional character: Sheldon Cooper from « The Big Bang Theory. » His idiosyncrasies and quirks make him a hilarious and endearing character, and I love the way his relationships with his friends evolve over the course of the show.
Your current research topic: I’m interested in investigating how the notion of algorithmic motivation in new organizational structures are changing the way people learn and acquire new skills, and how this might be impacting the future of work.
Your next research topic: While I’m always thinking about new research ideas, for now I’m focused on deepening my current projects. I think there’s a lot of exciting research to be done in this area, and I’m excited to see where it takes me.