Do you really know Roland Königsgruber, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Financial Accounting at SKEMA Business School? Let’s check it out!
Your favourite researcher: The Humboldt brothers: one made the German academic system a world leader in its time, the other roamed the earth.
The book you (would like to) read twice: Huis clos (Jean-Paul Sartre). I used to like the existentialists quite a bit. Probably the origin of my preference for black turtleneck sweaters…
Your favourite activity when you are not at work: I once read a graffiti on a Dutch wall that said « paradise is a well-equipped library with the license to serve drinks. » I would add that reading newspapers in an Austrian Kaffeehaus comes close…
The country where you dream to work: France is high on my list … Otherwise, most countries speaking a Romance language and bordering the sea are attractive.
What you like best about SKEMA: That is an easy question: the chance it gives me to learn from incredibly smart persons.
Your favourite finance concept: The disclosure principle – which in essence states what Paul Watzlawick formulated as « you cannot not communicate ».
The other job you would have liked to do: If I am limited to jobs for which I at least possibly might have the required talents: historian.
Your favourite fictional character: Odysseus: curious enough to want to listen to the Sirens, smart enough to anticipate his own limitations and take precautions.
Your current research topic: Interactions between corporate political connections and corporate transparency.
Your next research topic: Effects of geopolitically motivated investment restrictions on corporate disclosures.