Prof. Christopher Tucci: “Most companies are too slow in adopting AI”

Prof. Christopher Tucci: “Most companies are too slow in adopting AI”

“Don’t wait for a crisis. Start playing around and experimenting now”, advises Professor Christopher Tucci, from Imperial College Business School and Founding Dean of NEOM U’s new College of Business & Innovation. He is a proponent of ‘play’ and experimentation in the diffusion of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, creating such a culture within companies is crucial to keep up with rapid changes and fostering innovation.

During SKEMA Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) Seminar Series 2024/25, Professor Christopher Tucci (part of the SCAI Scientific Committee) gave a speech on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Diffusion and Disruption. This opportunity was taken to ask him some questions.

This first video answers questions from a business perspective. It touches upon creating a culture of experimentation within companies by ‘playing with AI’ and how regulation of AI requires global coordination. Should companies take a ‘wait and see’ or a ‘sooner the better’ approach for adopting AI? What about mistakes, should those be dreaded or embraced?

We have taken advantage of this occasion to ask a few additional questions. Notably on his vision for AI when he first started working on it and addressing some popular concerns over AI.

Watch also: Pr. Jerry Wind: « AI offers the opportunity to challenge the educational paradigm »

Margherita PaganiDirector of SKEMA Centre for Artificial Intelligence

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