30 Years Ago, The Lion King was Released. Mufasa, the King, took his son Simba by the paw and spoke to him about a Sustainable world—long before most political leaders. A world where Lions eat antelopes, but no more than necessary. But in such a restrained world, what about innovation? Historically, innovation has often required vast resources. So, can we still innovate in a world where we need to consume less? The answer is “Hakuna Matata!” The famous motto from The Lion King perfectly sums up the concept of frugal innovation—a philosophy that enabled Tata to produce a low-cost car, Michelin to invent an airless tyre, and Veolia to rationalise water treatment. To better understand this adaptive approach, Mary Michaelides invited Dennys Eduardo Rossetto. From SKEMA Business School’s campus in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the researcher and professor of Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation takes us on a journey through the Jungle of Innovation. He draws parallels between the paths of various companies from diverse sectors and the journeys of Scar, Simba, Timon, and Pumba… helping us innovate “with no worries”!
Welcome to “Makes Sense?”: a leap in pop culture to explore societal challenges. “Makes Sense?” is a podcast from SKEMA Business School, presented by Mary Michaelides.
Find out more about Dennys Eduardo Rossetto.
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